Thinking Mu stands for sustainable fashion and lends a casual southern touch. Every collection dedicates itself to a specific topic and stages this perfectly. With the use of sustainable fabrics and environmentally friendly dyeing methods the Spanish label is setting an example. Additionally, fair working conditions are of great concern to Thinking Mu.



Thinking Mu issues a „TRANSPARENCY TAG“ to every piece of clothing. The QR-Code informs about the entire process of production. You can also see the used resources and further information.


Those are the materials that make the production of sustainable clothes possible. Hemp has the advantage of being more environmentally friendly in cultivation and hemp made fabrics are light and breathable. At Thinking Mu hemp and cotton blends are used in a multitude of versatile ways. With its project “TRASH” the brand even creates its own opportunity to reuse textiles, helping to reduce waste.


To conserve resources, Thinking Mu recycles previously disposed of clothes. These are cut into small pieces, sorted through and finally broken up into their fibers. To complete the thread sustainable fibers are added and thus a durable yarn is made from discarded textiles. Through this practice of recycling, we can save water and dye and do our bit for the conservation of resources.